Thruxton Go Karting Event 2022

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19 May 2022
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On the 29th of April, a number of petrol head wannabes headed over to Thruxton Karting centre to hit the track and burn some rubber.

It is an annual Silver Lining tradition to host a corporate racing day for our clients. After all, Silver Lining is more than just an IT & Telecommunications business; we build relationships and provide a personal experience.

With goody bags prepped, and pastries awaiting hungry clients, our guests arrived. After signing in, and networking over a steaming hot coffee, we sat down in preparation for the Silver Lining presentation.
We were also lucky enough to have an ambassador for Naomi House come and speak during the presentation, helping to highlight all the amazing work they do, and why they are one of our chosen charities. And we also had a presentation from Beyond Encryption, discussing more of the technical side of the business.

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