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Human Risk Reporting

Be able to measure the direct impact of your cybersecurity awareness efforts with our ongoing human risk scoring, ensuring that you and your employees not only understand your progress but also have the tools and insights needed to continually enhance your organisation's cyber defences.

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Human Risk Reporting

What Is Human Risk Reporting? 

Human Risk Reporting is the processes used to identify, analyse and address the risks associated with human behaviour to prevent data breaches within your business.

With Silver Lining's  system be able to do and pin point areas of weakness that can be shared company wide in order to resolve cyber security flaws.

Get Protected Today

How It Works?

Track Training Impact

Discover how your employees cyber security understanding strengthens over time as there knowledge base grows

Have the ability to analyse company-wide course participation, performance and individual course scores.

Pinpoint High-risk Areas

Spot which key areas of your business have high levels of human cyber vulnerability.

By segmenting reports into each individual department and job functions that makes up your business you can easily see which area to focus on

Showcase Compliance 

All performance metrics, including training and phishing data, into one score so you can clearly understand your businesses position in cyber security.

Simplify this all in one place along with approvals to make audits quick and easy.

What Are The Benefits

With Silver Linings Human Risk Reporting Solution be able to clearly identify what areas across your business need extra support supplemented with training.

Track course particpation

Analyse departments, roles and more 

Measure ongoing course grades

Pinpoint weakness areas

Human Risk Management


Deploy Security Human risk management today!

Empower your organisation to proactively manage human-related security risks with our cutting-edge Security Human Risk Management solution. Secure your digital assets and foster a culture of cybersecurity resilience by deploying it today!

Book your free consultation

Empower Employees 
With Cyber Awareness.

Experience the ease of training your staff to have a high standard of cyber security knowledge.
Book A Free Trial
Measure course scores and highlight key risk areas and implement.
Monitor and improve human resistance to phishing attacks over time.
Stay in the loop with regular summary emails for managers.
Unlock the power of compliance with accessible reports and exports.
Be able to view live performance metrics directly from your dashboard.
Get alerted whenever your employee's credentials are discovered in data breaches.

Take control of your human risk management with a comprehensive solution tailored to fit you.

Phishing Simulation

Create effective, targeted phishing campaigns in no time with our ready to use simulated templates.

Phishing Simulation

Dark Web Monitoring

With Dark Web scanning, you can detect threats before they become catastrophic events. 
Dark Web Monitoring 

Policy Management

Streamline and reduce complexity with our centralised pre-loaded policy library and keep track of employee approvals.
Policy Management

Human Risk Reporting

Our company-wide human risk scoring system brings together all key metrics into one concise & convenient tracker.
Human Risk Reporting

In-Depth Risk Analytics

Essential insights into human cyber risk with performance profiles, trends, and custom segmentation.
In-Depth Risk Analytics

Security Awareness Training

Prime your team and ensure compliance with our suite of concise, interactive videos that covering  cyber security.
Security Awareness Training

Latests news & insights

Take a look at the latest news, insights, materials & content from our resource centre

Start Human Risk Reporting Today.

Don't be the next business to fall victim to a data breach. Chat to one of our experts today and join the businesses already benefitting from our Cyber Security Management services.
03456 83 1111
The Granary, Whiteley Lane, Fareham,
Hampshire, PO15 6RQ
Contact Form Demo Red (security) (#11)

Latests news & insights

Take a look at the latest news, insights, materials & content from our resource centre
6 October 2021

Stay ahead of the curve with Windows 11

Take a quick look at some of the things you need to know about Windows 11, so you can make a decision on whether to upgrade
Read the article

Certifications & Industry Compliance

We are proud to present a list of our certifications which each and every one of the Silver Lining family uphold and work to. They are a testament to the hard work and dedication our team put in to their work and the values we have as a business.
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© Silver Lining Convergence Ltd
Registered Company Number: 06212357
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