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New Customer Form

This form must be completed prior any formal quotes / contracts being provided. It comes in two parts, one for completion by the prospective customer and one for completion by SLC staff. Both forms needs completing and then passing for accounts to create a customer account on internal systems. 

New Customer Form

1. Customer Details

2. Contact Details

Technical Contact(s)

Billing Contact

Confirmation By Company Officer

By signing below, I hereby confirm the information contained on this form is complete and accurate.

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Your IT support needs to be a priority. Chat to one of our experts today and join the businesses already benefitting from our IT support desk that helps businesses thrive.
03456 83 1111
The Granary, Whiteley Lane, Fareham,
Hampshire, PO15 6RQ
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21 January 2022

Virgin & O2 won't pay EU roaming charges!

Virgin Media O2 mobile network users will not face roaming charges despite other significant networks announcing additional fees.
Read the article
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© Silver Lining Convergence Ltd
Registered Company Number: 06212357
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