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GAME ON 2023! Charity Stream for Naomi House

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3 April 2023
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On Friday, March 24th, we had the pleasure of witnessing one of our own, the remarkable Danilo (also known as Thinking Critically DND), go above and beyond to make a real difference in the lives of others. He participated in an unimaginable 12-hour charity stream called "Game On," which aimed to raise funds for Naomi House - an incredible organisation supporting children and young people with life-limiting conditions.

Danilo's commitment and passion for the cause were truly inspiring, as he devoted the entirety of the stream to playing Resident Evil 4 Remastered - a game that holds a special place in his heart and the hearts of his loyal viewers. Starting bright and early at 10 am, the stream quickly gained tremendous momentum, and the donations began pouring in.

First Hours In...

Donations of 20 pounds or above triggered a spin on the wheel where a series of forfeits/ challenges would occur. We saw Thinking critically DND covering himself in makeup, taking "dirty shorts", including a lovely concoction of fish juice, bbq sauce and soy sauce. He managed to down it all in one! He wore fancy dress, played while spinning, and dealt with reverse controls. As well as spinning the wheel, as soon as a money milestone was hit, another challenge came his way. 2 hours in, we hit the 250 mark, which meant a pie to the face happened, which managed to smudge all of the beautiful makeup Danilo had put on his face.

Halfway Money Milestone Smashed!

5 hours in the halfway point was smashed, meaning it was leg waxing time! Fortunately, Thinking Crit was a true champ and pulled off the waxing in one clean sweep - impressive! But even though he made it look easy, we couldn't help but cringe at the pain.

Then it was time for some more gaming, where we managed to meet Ashley and try and save her from the hoards of zombies.

Thinking Critically made sure he took breaks during the stream to educate viewers about Naomi House and their essential mission and showcase what their generous donations were going towards. These videos were a powerful reminder of what this stream was for and added a deeper meaning to our fundraising efforts.

A big shoutout to Circle Stock Ltd for their incredibly generous donation, which bumped us to the impressive 750-pound mark! Of course, hitting this milestone meant it was time for the next challenge to be tackled. This one was the da bomb sauce with 40,600 Scoville Units meaning it was 20x hotter than Tabasco sauce! Chicken goujons accompanied the sauce, and it's safe to say they were ruined. To ensure all the sauce was gone, the licking of the plate also happened!

The Final Strech!

As we approached the 11-hour mark of the stream, we were all on the edge of our seats as we battled countless waves of zombies. In a moment of pure adrenaline, we achieved our goal of raising 1k, which triggered the infamous nitro gummy bear challenge! For those wondering how spicy the gummy bear was, it scored an extreme 9 million on the Scoville scale - equivalent to a jalapeño pepper but a staggering 900 times hotter!

This moment was perhaps the most exhilarating part of the stream, as Danilo had to take a quick break to recover from the intense heat. However, with the unwavering support of his viewers, he was able to summon the courage to carry on and complete the total 12 hours of streaming.

The support we received during the live stream was nothing short of mind-blowing, and it was a clear testament to the incredible impact that one person can have. It was heartwarming to see Danilo's tireless efforts pay off as our community came together to donate a whopping £1155 towards the cause.

This incredible amount surpassed all our expectations and showed the true generosity and compassion of those involved in the stream. If you missed the chance to donate during the live stream but would still like to contribute to this excellent cause, please click the link below - every contribution makes a significant difference.

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